About Us
Viewpark Conservation Group aims to promote and preserve the history of Viewpark.
It is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered charity number: SC045857
This website has been set up to show the people of Viewpark the history of where they live and to let them know that the Douglas Support is a great place full of wildlife that they can go for a walk and also go fishing , and that they can also see some of the remains of the history that was once there. we are also doing this as there are developers in the estate again going to build industrial units and we are trying to get this stopped.
"The Douglas Support is a great place full of wildlife. Local people of all ages go walking and also fishing on a daily basis. It is full of historic interest. Some of which are the remains of the historic douglas support that was once there. Viewpark Glen (The Douglas Support Estate) has been an important part in the lives of many of the residents of viewpark and Coatbridge, many children have had their adventures there, and is the last peice of natural woodland/green space left in the area. The area is much used by dog walkers, bird watchers and many who just enjoy being in nature. This campaign has been started in the hope of putting a halt to the destruction of this historic site; also we need to keep natural habitat for the wildlife and preserve this place of beauty. Archaeology Scotland have shown an iterest in this area; we need time to get the surveys done to allow the documentation of the historical sites within this glen. Local residents use this for walks and cycle rides which is a vital part to help encourages a healthy lifestyle. As a deprived area there is not a lot of things that the people can do free of charge - the glen is something that brings hours of joy to many."