Several studies have been commissioned in relation to the management of the Douglas Support Estate:
Dr Tim Edwards reported to the committee on the proposal to create a community wildlife park along the North Calder river glen, adjacent to Viewpark, Uddingston.
Environmental Statement – Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
This 2001 study reported on cultural heritage resources, including Scheduled Ancient Monuments, other archaeological features, listed and other historic buildings, conservation areas, and historic gardens and designed landscapes.
An extended Phase 1 habitat survey was conducted in the period May to July 2004, focussing primarily on semi-natural and other vegetated land up to approximately 500 m either side of the M8. Additional specialist surveys were carried out in 2004 and 2005.
This undated reports looks at incided river valleys, including the North Calder, in which valley lies part of the Douglas Support estate.
River Corridor and Otter Survey Report
This 2006 report presents the findings of a field survey focussing on otter activity and
evaluating otter habitat (including fisheries potential) of the North Calder Water,
and tributaries. It also records general riverine species such as sightings of birds such as kingfisher and fish.